man i imagine this song was gonna be salsa
man i imagine this song was gonna be salsa
so where is the song?
and the song?
put some drums and all its gonna slide
why u didnt make a song
at the begining it sound great but after the intro .....? what happened
Well first of all thanks for the two and the review ... Its kind of short , maybe too short that I was actually thinking about it more of like an intro to something else
I just submitted this so I can break the ice and get the ball rolling and I will be improving it soon, I'm already working on a longer peice and maybe more complex than this that I hope will be better than this too and slowly improve
Thanks again for the review
c´mon you can do better
keep practicing if u have some friends with guitars tell them to join u , put the recorder and just improvise
u where on crack?
man that sound its f&%$¡ng awesome slow smooth thats the way it must be
Somos un grupo que se hace llamar El Sofa del Zombie y tratamos de hacer muchas cosas para entretener.
Ojalá disfruten de nuestro contenido.
Tijuana, Mexico
Joined on 9/23/07